Magic Value Sunglasses for creating better art.
Magic Value Sunglasses for creating better art.
Buy on Art Lessons Now Magic Value Sunglasses. Instantly see Darks and Lights and Values as you paint. With Magic Value Sunglasses, you can determine where to add darks and lights to improve your composition while painting or photographing.
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Want to see Values of Darks and Lights easily to help you balance your values in your paintings, photographs or any important composition?
Want to see Values of Darks and Lights easily to help you balance your values in your paintings, photographs or any important composition?

I paint often using my Magic Value Sunglasses. Just slip them on and see the values of Darks and Lights Magically.
I paint often using my Magic Value Sunglasses. Just slip them on and see the values of Darks and Lights Magically.
You don't have to hold anything. Once you start painting with them you don't want to paint without them.
You don't have to hold anything. Once you start painting with them you don't want to paint without them.
Unlike other red lenses, these glasses are specially created to remove colors so you can see the grey values or black to white and all the middle tones of values.
Use them outdoors in plein air or in the studio. See instantly the Values in any scene or photo.
Use them outdoors in plein air or in the studio. See instantly the Values in any scene or photo.
Once you look through these, you may be surprised how far off your perceived value notes were!
You'll want a pair for the studio and another if you paint outside.
Also, they offer 100% UV protection.
100 UVA/UVB impact resistant FDA approved polycarbonate lenses, quality polycarbonate frame.